Sunday 16 June 2013


Today is my last day at home tomorrow i will be jetting out to Malta for two weeks of sunshine i can not wait.
The only part of the Holiday i do not like is the journey to the airport and the waiting around for the flight.
We have an hours journey to  the airport then check in suitcases and then have to hang around the airport for around three hours. (if only there was a faster way to do it) Once we get going we have a three and a half hour flight, then an hour coach journey to our hotel.
We have to leave around 2:00pm for the 06:00pm flight, but we will not reach the hotel until around 11:00pm.
Still once we get there we can then relax and enjoy the 30 plus degree sunshine around the pool, go for nice walks, go on a nice cruise around the island, jet skiing, etc, then chill out in the evenings to a nice meal, a few drinks and good entertainment. The only bad bit will be having to come home the wife and i have made some really good friends out there and we are looking to move out there in the near future.
If i could get the work out there while i was on holiday we would not even bother to come back.

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